
convention on the taking of evidence abroad in civil or commercial matters معنى

  • الاتفاقية المتعلقة بالحصول على الأدلة خارج البلد في المسائل المدنية أو التجارية
  • convention    n. تقليد, مؤتمر, م ...
  • on    adv. فوق, عن, حسب; ...
  • the    ال, لام التعريفH&# ...
  • taking    adj. ساحر, جذاب; n ...
  • of    prep. من, بشأن, بس ...
  • evidence    n. بينة, شهادة, شه ...
  • abroad    adv. خارج البلاد, ...
  • in    adj. داخلي, حاكم, ...
  • civil    adj. مدني, متمدن, ...
  • or    conj. أو, ولا, أم, ...
  • commercial    adj. تجاري; n. إعل ...
  • matters    أمور; امور; شؤون; ...

كلمات ذات صلة

  1. convention on the safety of united nations and associated personnel معنى
  2. convention on the service abroad of judicial and extrajudicial documents in civil or commercial matters معنى
  3. convention on the settlement of investment disputes between states and nationals of other states معنى
  4. convention on the stamp laws in connection with bills of exchange and promissory notes معنى
  5. convention on the stamp laws in connection with cheques معنى
  6. convention on the taxation of foreign motor vehicles معنى
  7. convention on the taxation of road vehicles engaged in international goods transport معنى
  8. convention on the taxation of road vehicles engaged in international passenger transport معنى
  9. convention on the taxation of road vehicles for private use in international traffic معنى
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